Reviewed 2914 times

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The main view diyalnosti yea compan pererobka, sberkassa the sales agropromislovogo complex products and. Our company proponu Cologne the ones from products that garantovano delivery tovariv have installed applications that termni umove. On ciogodnichnyu day mi can zaproponowali:sove the oil the cake. The whole expansion soprovojdayutsya USA neophane documents. Mi always red vikonati svoï Zobov'yazannya sure I Svojanov. Salacuse sucasne not obladnannya prodnose national manufacturer, the Yak versets maximum automatizaci the least vpliva lyudskogo factor, scho daє zmogu dosagethe high pokaznikiv produktivnost the quality products. Vlasna laboratory sdisney Postini control products cogni stud , virobnictva, after warrant mclogo dovgalevskogo partnership wajam dowry. High quality from slomo Postini - control – persoonlike priority pdprimstvo SL PREMIUM PRODUCT.

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Bids/offers participated by the user
Number of bids / offers (shown 1—6 of 6)
DateContracting partyBid / offer typeCropAmount available (T)PriceTermBasis
01.06.2024 12:16SARMATIA GROUP LLCbuy
3000190 USDCPTReni terminalkuplyu-kukurudza-tov-sarmatiya-grup-id269984
01.06.2024 12:16SARMATIA GROUP LLCbuy
3000180 USDCPTOdessa grain terminal branch DPKZOkuplyu-kukurudza-tov-sarmatiya-grup-id269955
01.06.2024 12:16SARMATIA GROUP LLCsell
Sunflower- oil
1000975 USDFCAВінниця (FSSC 22000), Vinnytsia District, Vinnytsia Region.prodam-oliya-sonyashnikova-tov-sarmatiya-grup-id269587
01.06.2024 12:03AGS GRAINbuy
3000191 USDCPTReni terminalkuplyu-kukurudza-ags-grain-id269993
01.06.2024 12:03AGS GRAINbuy
Wheat grade IV
2000193 USDCPTTIS-MINUDOBRENIYA LLCkuplyu-pshenitcya-4-klas-ags-grain-id269992
01.06.2024 12:03AGS GRAINbuy
2000183 USDCPTTIS-MINUDOBRENIYA LLCkuplyu-kukurudza-ags-grain-id269991

Procurement prices PE SONOWL for 01.06.2024

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