This year, the harvest in the southern regions of Ukraine may begin abnormally early

2024-05-03 10:18:50
Machine translation
This year, the harvest in the southern regions of Ukraine may begin abnormally early

This year, harvesting in the southern regions of Ukraine may begin abnormally early - already at the end of May. Yuriy Kormyshkin, the owner of PAEK agricultural holding, told about this on his Facebook page.


"In the south of the Mykolaiv region, wheat and barley have already thrown out the ear. This means that under favorable weather conditions, the harvest can begin already at the beginning of June, if there is at least one rain for 20-30 mm of precipitation. If there are no rains, then it will be possible to harvest at the end of May," Y. Kormyshkin said.


"In the current season, the vegetation of almost all winter crops in Ukraine is 3-4 weeks ahead of the average terms, which from the point of view of agronomy is a very big gap. The climate changes that we see today can lead to a global change in the structure of crops in the region, and will require active work with the scientific community in order to breed new varieties of crops adapted to modern climatic conditions," said the owner of PAEK.

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