DP Thegra Ukraine LTD

Reviewed 3097 times
DP Thegra Ukraine LTD

Further details:

The company "Tegra Ukraine LTD" is a subsidiary of the Dutch "Tauves holding (Theeuwes Holding B. V.), which was founded over a century ago (in 1900). The main business is agriculture. Among the aims of activity of the company trade on the international market for grains and oilseeds, sales of vegetable oils and feed ingredients and the processing of agricultural products. "Tegra Ukraine LTD" from 1993 was a representation, and in 1997 became a subsidiary. Today, the company is engaged in the purchase of grain in Ukraine and legumes as well as oilseeds (soya, canola, flax), which is processed into meal and oil. The production is sold on domestic and foreign markets. Oilseeds and grains, soybean meal and oil are exported. In 2007, "Tegra Ukraine LTD" was opened in Vinnytsia region own factory — gaysinsky branch of DP "Tegra Ukraine LTD", allowing us to process 75 tons of soybeans per year. The company works with modern equipment of American company "Insta-Pro". This allows to meet the highest international standards that define the technology of oilseed crops. "Tegra Ukraine LTD" has a certificate of PCU Deutschland GmbH according to the REDcert system.

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Bids/offers participated by the user
Number of bids / offers (shown 1—6 of 6)
DateContracting partyBid / offer typeCropAmount available (T)PriceTermBasis
01.06.2024 12:16SARMATIA GROUP LLCbuy
3000190 USDCPTReni terminalkuplyu-kukurudza-tov-sarmatiya-grup-id269984
01.06.2024 12:16SARMATIA GROUP LLCbuy
3000180 USDCPTOdessa grain terminal branch DPKZOkuplyu-kukurudza-tov-sarmatiya-grup-id269955
01.06.2024 12:16SARMATIA GROUP LLCsell
Sunflower- oil
1000975 USDFCAВінниця (FSSC 22000), Vinnytsia District, Vinnytsia Region.prodam-oliya-sonyashnikova-tov-sarmatiya-grup-id269587
01.06.2024 12:03AGS GRAINbuy
3000191 USDCPTReni terminalkuplyu-kukurudza-ags-grain-id269993
01.06.2024 12:03AGS GRAINbuy
Wheat grade IV
2000193 USDCPTTIS-MINUDOBRENIYA LLCkuplyu-pshenitcya-4-klas-ags-grain-id269992
01.06.2024 12:03AGS GRAINbuy
2000183 USDCPTTIS-MINUDOBRENIYA LLCkuplyu-kukurudza-ags-grain-id269991

Procurement prices DP Thegra Ukraine LTD for 01.06.2024

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